Fortenberry Supports FLEX Act to Help Nebraska Cities and Towns Contend with Coronavirus


Date: May 1, 2020
Location: Lincoln, NE

Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (NE-01) offered the following statement today after cosponsoring the bipartisan Flexibility for Localities and Eligibility Expansion Act of 2020 (FLEX Act), enabling cities and towns affected by coronavirus-related tax revenue loss to use previously approved federal relief funding on urgent local needs.

"Communities across Nebraska have been hurt by coronavirus-related tax revenue loss. I'm sure that no one wants to see police officers and firefighters laid off," Fortenberry said. "To ensure that cities and towns can continue to provide essential public services, the FLEX Act rightly opens previously approved federal relief funds to these communities," Fortenberry added.

"I appreciate the leadership of Congressman Don Bacon, who has led this important effort. Both of us have dialogued with Treasury Secretary Mnuchin about the importance of the issue to Nebraska," Fortenberry said.
